Slak2 softclose sliding glass doors Colcom

Slak 2 + Softclose

Slak2 is a sliding system with spandrel panel with reduced dimensions. The slight covering profile is hiding a strong and secure mechanism. Slak2 is ar-ranged for two tipologies of fixing ;on the ceiling or on the wall with different solutions : single glazed, double or sliding on fixed glass.For this reason Slak2 is suitable for many tipologies of architectural contexts both modern and essential.

SOFT-CLOSE (Item.BS35) is a new equipment for SLAK and SLAK-2 sliding door systems. It’s an internal mechanism of damped closure that allows a controlled stop. With SOFT-CLOSE the door is slowly braked and automatically places itself so to silently touch the door rabbet. This movement prevents the wear of the door and possible dumps on frame. SOFT-CLOSE is not included and it is available at customer request.